Lebu’s End of Year Performance Review 2020/21

Name: Lebu

Length of service: 2 years 1 month

Employee status: Permanent

Leadership skills: Lebu’s leadership style can be very demanding, even bossy at times. He expects constant attention and will lie face down on the floor to get it. He is a tough negotiator and won’t take no for an answer. He knows what he wants and will tell you repeatedly that it’s his until he gets it, he gets results.

Teamwork and interpersonal skills: Lebu works well with his co-worker Mishty who is teaching him the engineering techniques of building sofa dens and Lego towers. Lebu is a quick learner and shows his appreciation with generous displays of affection. The team have a lot of fun together but there have been a few disagreements over the allocation of shared resources. Lebu has received a formal warning and has since apologized for his behaviour.

Communication skills: Lebu is making great strides in this area. He is extremely vocal and very chatty. His colleagues find him polite and enjoy listening to him but feel they don’t always get everything he says. Lebu is also learning Bengali as a second language and has already picked up useful phrases like “hagu in passa*”. Lebu can often be found surrounded by books, happily reading by himself. He also shows a keen interest in developing his written communication skills; his line manager has advised him to stick to paper rather than walls or legs for this.

Delivering at pace: Lebu does not respond well to deadlines and will choose to do things in his own time. He will leave things to the last minute and often refuse point blank to do the task which puts immense pressure on his line manager who will have to literally chase him down to complete it. This most often involves putting on trousers. She has put in several complaints, particularly over his inconsideration of others’ work/life balance and repeated attempts to sleep with the boss at 2am.   

Making effective decisions:  Lebu can be difficult to please and has very particular requirements, especially when it comes to cutlery, socks and seating arrangements at the board table. He experiences high levels of distress if his requirements are not met and often changes his mind without telling anyone which can cause confusion and annoyance among the team. As a valued member of staff, the firm try to accommodate his requirements as much as possible to avoid disappointment.

Social Media engagement: Lebu is very proficient in the digital world. He puts in long hours navigating multiple media platforms and hosts a number of daily video conferences. He creates an impressive amount of photo and video content, and enjoys sending motivational messages to remote colleagues. 

Critical thinking: Lebu has an innovative way of thinking. At first glance his space may look like mess but this is all part of the creative process and he is always happy to help tidy up at the end of the day. He is curious and finds a fresh view by taking things apart, sometimes even breaking it to understand its very essence. However, the Finance department do not find that this approach represents good value for money and will be looking to reduce expenditure in this area.

Presentation and appearance: Lebu enjoys the smart casual look, teaming formal shirts with tracker bottoms. However his tendency to take his trousers off at regular intervals is not appropriate, no matter how nice his legs are.   

Training and Development: Lebu is recommended to read the Anti-Bullying, Harassment and Discrimination policy as there have been multiple instances of biting, scratching and pulling hair which will not be tolerated. The occasional grope is acceptable though. Lebu is also recommended to take the Health and Safety training course as his high risk approach to climbing non-secure structures, jumping off high furniture and walking backwards is not in compliance with our policy. We also have noticed that Lebu is not keen to try new things in the culinary arena. We are concerned this may have an impact on Lebu’s future growth and development and hope this will improve as the kitchen staff put in a lot of effort and are getting quite disheartened.

Extra-curricular activities: We recommend Lebu join the cricket team. Last week he showed great aptitude in his overarm bowling when he threw his conker straight at the TV screen. He also shows great aim when throwing food off the table, making sure it lands exactly at the point where the protective mat no longer covers the carpet. There is also a Pop Choir that meets regularly – Lebu is a smooth dancer with an excellent singing voice. He can often be heard singing “Mama I Loooo” by Spice Girls and would be welcome to join.   

Overall Performance: Lebu is an integral and valued member of the team. Despite the pandemic, he has had a great year. He is popular, fun, has a great sense of humour and is always laughing and smiling. He is a charmer and everyone at the firm loves him. We look forward to seeing him grow and learn, and are eager to see what achievements the next year will bring.    

*”Poo in bum”